Olively's Backstage
給親愛的大家.....奧麗薇單純只分享化妝技巧和心情,商品面不再多回答喔 請多見諒 謝謝大家的支持和提問喔!
This is my blog.
I'm inspired by creative makeup artists like you.
You'll find all my art works here.
Though this blog will be written in Mandarin mostly, I believe I can use images to transcend national and cultural boundaries. Art of makeup, that's all we love.Show me some luv, XOXO
Much Luv,
Olively's Backstage
目前分類:報章雜誌 (7)
發表時間 | 文章標題 | 人氣 | 留言 |
2013-03-12 | (報章雜誌) 妝為心畫 Luscious Lamentations Taiwanese Opera | (204) | (0) |
2012-05-18 | (報章雜誌) BEAUTY 大美人雜誌 V.S Olively's Backstage 秋冬粉底採訪 | (515) | (1) |
2012-04-24 | O L I V E L Y I M A G E C O N S U L T A N T S | (204) | (2) |
2011-08-18 | (報章雜誌) 東方文化博大精深 | (611) | (0) |
2011-08-05 | (報章雜誌) 李冠毅-SOUL STAR | (659) | (0) |
2011-06-01 | (報章雜誌) Shu Qi -簡單又美好 | (707) | (2) |
2011-01-11 | (報章雜誌) 道 | (346) | (1) |