感謝 Victoria的心得分享
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Victoria 的膚質: 皮膚表面缺少水份,皮膚感到緊繃, 眼周處有明顯細紋 (Dehydrated-缺水型)
臉形:鵝蛋臉型(Oval Shaped Face)
唇部:上薄下厚唇型 (Thin upper lip with a fuller lower lip)
I had the honor of meeting Olively on a trip around the world to Taipei from the United States. As a former Beauty Queen, Model, Emcee and Professional, I have worked with many people in the Hair and Make-up Industry. Olively's hospitality was top notch and I've never felt more comfortable with anyone. She talked to me throughout the entire process and told me what she was doing. When figuring out the colors and look for my face, she asked me questions to get to know my personality. Never have I been asked this before. Usually my make-up artists just do what they feel and I end up telling them to change it. I felt more comfortable with Olively than any other Professional Make-Up Artist that has touched my face. (And I've had many!) If I could snatch her up and bring her to the USA for work, I definitely would. We are missing out on one of the most talented young professionals ever. I look forward to working with her again in the near future and was so very blessed to have become not only her model but a friend to her as well while in Taiwan. Xie Xie!!
Thank you so very much
I am a Barbie Doll <3
Miss New Mexico Teen USA 1997, (me) in my Mrs Colorado 2010 competition gown :)